We born to shine and we love it!

The things we love most in a parallel world on the wish list shine to attend celebrations and bodys to highlight our best feminine attributes.
Si antes no me atrevía a usarlo hoy es cuando, la verdad es que amo esas texturas con detalles femeninos que enfaticen mi silueta de una bella y sutil manera si tienes duda para la selección de un color en particular solo recuerda esto: el blanco para la pureza y el negro para un poco de misterio. ambos sumamente atrevidos.
If I did not dare to use it before today is when, the truth is that I love those textures with feminine details that emphasize my silhouette in a beautiful and subtle way if you have doubt for the selection of a particular lacebody color just remember this: white for Purity and black for a little mystery. Both extremely daring.

find your favorite lacebody

Los mas recientes favoritos son esos brillos ya que las fiestas están a la vuelta de la esquina vestidos atrevidos con diseños distintos pensados en el ajustado o el femenino o algo mas soberbio tu elegirás el que vaya mas de acuerdo a tu personalidad y sobre todo la idea acá es simplemente no pasar por desapercibida.

The most recent favorites are those glitters as the parties are around the corner bold Party dresses with different designs designed in the tight or feminine or something more superb you will choose the one that goes more according to your personality and especially the idea Here is simply not to go unnoticed.

Recuerda que la ropa es un edificio esta ahí para protegerte, empoderarte o esconderte, con estos looks de vestidos hermosos que te he compartido creo que esconderse no seria la opcion sino todo lo contrario están hechos para que brilles cariño y despidas al 2019 como se debe. Espero y te guste nuestra elección y no dudes en realizar tu lista para una noche glam!
Remember that clothing is a building is there to protect you, empower you or hide you, with these looks of beautiful dresses that I have shared, I think that hiding would not be the option but rather the opposite are made to shine and say goodbye to 2019 as it should . I hope and you like our choice and do not hesitate to make your list for a glam night!